Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"You are so mean!"

"You are poo-poo!"
"I am not your fwend. EVUH!"
"I dont yike you, mommy."

These are just mere examples of what I hear multiple times on a daily basis. God forbid I try and help him put his shoes on. Or help him into his car seat. If I even dare to pull his pants up after he goes to the restroom! *faints*

Parker is in the 'I-want-to-do-it-all-myself-and-if-you-should-dare-to-so-much-as-think-about-helping-I-will-scream' phase. Sigh. It is exhausting! Now that we are potty training it has gotten even worse. A simple pee session takes about 10 minutes per time. He has to unsnap his pants, pull them alllllll the way down to the ground. Sit on the seat BY HIMSELF. Point down his penis BY HIMSELF. Get off the toilet BY HIMSELF. You get the idea. And Lord help us all if someone flushes for him. Let's put it this way; I don't even want to THINK about what is on the floor surrounding the toilet when that happens....because it usually results in a full body 'pancake' on the floor....screaming...with his mouth open! *shivers* And the hand washing. Lord have mercy. Don't even think about squirting the soap for him!!

While I am so glad to be rid of diapers, this potty training stuff is for the birds. Looks like we will be a slave to the ten minute toilet sessions for the next 6 months.


1 comment:

MommaCakes said...

yes, and i get the following....
"you idiot, mommy!"
"you mean, i don't like you"