Friday, August 27, 2010


My blog looks different. I know no one likes change, and BELIEVE me, I don't either, but it was looking a little dreary over here. The black was wearing on me so I thought I would lighten things up a bit.

Hope you can stand it!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mercury in Retrograde

Sooooo, usually I am so happy go lucky right!?? Well not this week. This has not been my week. If you follow astrology, you know that Mercury is in Retrograde, which means bad things are happening! I know you all think this is total mumbo jumbo, but I don't and I believe it. Just ask last Friday to now. The Aquarians are getting royally screwed. As are the Geminis. Any Aquarians and Geminis and Sagittarius out there....I feel for ya! (I am an Aquarius with a Sag rising. YIKES! No wonder every day has been terrible!!) It lasts until the 12th of September too. O....M....G!!

Anywho, enough of that nonsense, lets start with weeks ago where I left off. We went to Vegas. It was fun. I gambled a little, layed at the pool a little more, and partied A LOT. It was so fun. Love the couples we went with and everything was just perfect. I put $100 on the roulette wheel on black 10 times and a row and won every time. That's $1000! Too bad Mike LOST $1000 and had to snatch my money (I was so not amused). Anyway, it was a blast.

All of us!

Katie, Ana and I at "the club".

All of us the last night. Are my eyes even open? I think not.

Mike and I

Ana and I

After that, I recovered for about a week until last weekend where I was feeling better but everything started going wrong. That is not fun. No major details over it, but some minor ones.... Eden got stitches, our refinance didn't happen and my school doesn't look like its gonna happen. Blah.

In OTHER news...the first day of school went fabulous (as you read below). Baseball practice started this week and football is really gearing up. Plus Parker starts soccer on Sunday. This is the time of the year when I don't talk to anyone and my head spins round and round all day long. So to all of my lovies out there....I love you and I miss you and I wish I could talk to you but I am a terrible friend and I just cant find the time. There. Crucify me. Mercury is still in Retrograde so I am expecting more nonsense. ACK!!

Someone send me flowers? I need them. ;)

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Grade

Well here you have it, the obligatory first day of school post. It totally snuck up on us and I think only yesterday I realized what was going on! :) He has a really nice teacher, a lot of the same friends in his class and is excited not to be in "Kinder" anymore. Happy First Day of first grade little dude!