Sunday, March 1, 2009

What Jacob says about me

Here is a little survey that I had Jacob take about me. His answers are all in the first person, so just imagine him saying these things. Too cute!

1. What is something I always say to you?
"What did you do today at school Buddy"

2. What makes me happy?
When I make you breakfast

3. What makes me sad?
If I wanted to go to a different home

4. How do I make you laugh?
Tickle me and say a funny joke

5. What was I like as a kid?
You shook your booty

6. How old am I?

7. How tall am I?
100 inches

8. What is my favorite thing to do?
go running

9. What do I do when you're not around?
get me treats

10. If I become famous, what will it be for?
for singing on Rock Band

11. What am I really good at?
tic tac toe and running and making me laugh

12. What am I not very good at?

13. What do I do for a job?
guard us

14.What is my favorite food?

15. What makes you proud of me?
because you get medals and stuff

16. If I were a cartoon character, who would I be?
Tom on Tom and Jerry

17. What do you and I do together?
play Rock Band

18. How are you and me the same?
We both have a nose and eye balls

19. How are you and me different?
Our face and you have freckles and I dont.

20. How do you know I love you?
You give me Valentines and draw me pictures

21. What do I like most about daddy?
He gives you cards for your birthday and makes money for you at work

22. Where is my favorite place to go?


Ebbs said...

Jess- Kaley wanted me to share these answers with you!!
1. What is something I always say to you?
Have fun, be sweet, call me when you get there

2. What makes me happy?
When I score alot in basketball

3. What makes me sad?
When I cuss

4. How do I make you laugh?
When you say such ridiculous things that I find it humorous

5. What was I like as a kid?
Followed Betsy around and tried to be cool
6. How old am I?

7. How tall am I?

8. What is my favorite thing to do?
walk on the beach in the morning and tell me what to do.

9. What do I do when you're not around?
I don't want to know

10. If I become famous, what will it be for?

11. What am I really good at?
laying in bed and reading

12. What am I not very good at?
talking quietly and anything that requires athleticism

13. What do I do for a job?

14.What is my favorite food?
shrimp and crab

15. What makes you proud of me?
help teenage moms

16. If I were a cartoon character, who would I be?
The teacher on Charlie Brown

17. What do you and I do together?
watch American Idol

18. How are you and me the same?
We both think we are always right but I am always right

19. How are you and me different?
You are so punctual

20. How do you know I love you?
You do everything for me

21. What do I like most about daddy?
that he leaves sometimes on his motorcycle

22. Where is my favorite place to go?

Jessica said...

Omg Ebby....I am cracking up at hers! Espec # 4,8,16,21....rofl!