Monday, December 29, 2008

Eden 5 months

Our baby girl is 5 months old! The pic is a day late, but things have been insane since we have been home. Our house is a WRECK with all of the Christmas stuff and I am trying desperately to unpack and get everything back in order. Here is her 5 month pic...and the others for comparison! Will update more later.....promise. :)

Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 4

Month 5


Ebbs said...

Wonderful!!! She is so healthy and full of life. LOVED being together for Christmas! Biggie gurl!!

Mama Lou said...

OMY - she's getting bigger than her baby doll - too, too precious! Was so wonderful seeing all at Christmas - just not long enough (except for Betsy) :-) Hope you are feeling better now! Hugs to all!!!!!