Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jacob's Spanish reading

Not only is Jacob learning to read in English, but he is learning to read in Spanish also. This seems like such a hard task to learn both at one time since the vowels make different sounds. Spanish is easy to read since it is phonetic, but the vowels make different sounds than English vowels which makes it difficult. For instance, take the word Pine. We Pronounce the 'i' like we say the letter 'I' since there is an e at the end, other wise we would pronounce the 'i' as 'ihhh". Well in Spanish, 'i' is always pronounces "EE" and e is pronounced 'A'. So pine would be "PEE-nay". Get it?

So in order for him to read Spanish, he has to switch his brain from reading vowels one way, to the other. Sounds awfully difficult to learn both at once if you ask me, but he is doing wonderfully! He even sounds like a little Spanish boy!


Mama Lou said...

Jacob, you are waaaaaay too smart for Mama Lou. So proud of you!

Ebbs said...

The childs brain is amazing - as adults we could never speak spanish as well as Jacob - we have an English brain!!! His is still open to any language!!!! Good for the school system for starting this so early!

Stacie said...

WOW! super impressive. gooooo jacob!