Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Marathon

So, 4 months, 17 Saturdays up at 5:30 am, approximately 420 training miles all culminated into one day. Marathon day!!

So how did it turn out? Terrible.

I hurt my knee and finished an hour over my goal time. That wasn't the terrible part though. The pain. Ohhhhhh the pain. And wow, its like forget how mental the whole thing is. And did I mention I was in pain? ;)

My MRI was this morning and Friday is my appointment. It is feeling fabulous at the moment, but it hurt SO BAD during and after the race that I am worried something is wrong. A wise person told me not to worry, so I'm trying not to. ;) Worrying is my nature do I not worry?

I could go one and on about the experience, how disappointing it was, alllllll that training just to get injured....but instead of hearing me moan and groan I will leave you with some cute pics from the weekend, how bout that? ;)

Here are are holding up our "in honor of hank" signs. Hanks Homies!!

Pre-race pasta dinner

Post pasta party

Our AWESOME North Cities team!

Post race Nobu dinner. YUMMY! (And I'm not talkin about the girls know what I'm sayin...;) )

According to this last pic, we won the marathon with a super duper time of 2:03. GO HANKS HOMIES!! It was an awesome training season with all of you and we had a great time. I love you all!!

(thanks for the cute pic ash!)


Karla said...

You should still be very proud of yourself. I have a bad knee and I still keep trying to run on it, so I can totally understand your agony. You're my hero :)

Anonymous said...

So proud of you Jess! I am SO SORRY about the injured knee (I feel your pain there). Welcome to the injured knee club, I guess?!?

MommaCakes said...

dude...i can totally send you a "non-52week" picture if you want

Lala said...

Yay!!!! Marathon pics!!! I can't believe ya'll all finished at the same time... 2:02!!!! Wowzers!