The pregnancy is going well so far! We took the boys to a 3D ultrasound place yesterday called "Stork Vision" to see her. We haven't brought them to any doctors appointments so far so we thought this would get them excited for her arrival. Unfortunately, Parker had no clue what he was seeing, and Jacob was being a pill and "wanted to go home". Mike and I enjoyed it was my Mothers Day present! By the way....after seeing prediction is that she looks more like Parker!
And speaking of Mother's is today! I woke up to breakfast in bed; coffee and pancakes. It was heavenly! Then I went for a walk and enjoyed the breezy, 57 degree morning. It was especially refreshing since yesterday it was a sweltering 90 degree day. Let me tell you that carrying around 20 (well, 21 to be exact) extra pounds is NO FUN in the heat!
Here is my last belly picture - taken last week at 27 weeks.
Now maybe I should say a little about how her name came about. We had a few other names that we really liked, but I think we had all but decided on the name Chloe. We really loved the name and had jokingly called her that from the beginning...even before we knew if we were having a boy or a girl. Then when we actually found out it was a girl, we still weren't sure. We had a few other names too...Callie, Marin, Ella (Mike's first choice)...and a few others that I can't really remember now. We liked all of the names, but none of them just felt "right" to me. I know all babies are special, but we really felt like this one was a true miracle and a true gift to us. I wanted her to have a name that was special and unique. One that you didn't hear all the time, but one that wasn't "weird". I heard the name Eden and that was it. Eden Elizabeth she was, and I knew there was no changing. In my heart, I just *knew* that was her is hard to even explain. I mentioned it to Mike and told him how passionate I was about the name. He wasn't really sold at first, but said he would think about it. After a few days of me saying "Eden" and him thinking about it, he agreed that he liked it.
And so our Journey to Eden began. We can't wait to kiss her precious face and study every inch of her body. For you reading....I can't wait for you to share this journey with soon as she is born and I can reveal the name!! Oh, and I am sorry about keeping it a secret...but we knew the name was a little different...but we loved it sooo much and didn't want to hear anything negative about it at all. We knew that once she is born and named, no one would say the secret was born. I hope you all love her name as much as we do! She is our precious baby Eden and we cannot WAIT to meet her!!
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