Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Devennys Spreading Holiday Cheer

I don't know why I tried to get a pic of the kids at this time of the day, but I did. Unfortunately, it did not yield the results I had hoped! It did though, remind me that it was wine time! (and WHINE time)

Me telling the kids to stand still for a minute so I can take their picture. Parker makes his stoned smile face (a very familiar look for him) and Eden is still recovering from the snatched car (see half dried tear on cheek).

Them being told where to sit. Eden not amused to be on lap, Parker in his own world (per usual) and Jacob obeying nicely.

Eden throwing fit and Parker giving me the best smile he can. The minute I say "smile guys!" his eyes close and stay that way.

Eden still fit throwing and Parker still 'asleep'.

Jacobs smile starting to get faker and his nostrils start flaring. What always happens when he smiles for too long. Parker still sleeping and Eden looking stoned. Still mad.

Cropped baby Diva out so I could get at least one decent pic.

Jacob looking like a serial killer (he has been smiling way too long) and Eden getting up to show me that she is still mad. (note that Parker is still sleep smiling)

Diva storimg off, Jacob starting to tire and Parker still assuming the position.

Oh uh, now she's mad.

Pancake on the floor time! :)

She thinks she'll look back to be sure she still has an audience.

Eden still crying, now in other room. Boys tired of sitting. At least its a pretty cute pic.

Another OK one.

Uh oh, she's coming back! Parker is done anyway.

And one more for the road.

This is what almost every photo session in this house consists of! Tears from one, fake smile from the other and then one living on Mars. Sigh. I don't know how you all get such cute pics of all your kids at once!!


Stacie said...

O...M...Gosh! So funny :) Your kids are adorable - smiling or not.

Ebbs said...

OMG - i laughed from the 2nd pic on - mostly from your wonderful narration. Now, I have to go re-do my make-up from laughing so hard I cried!!! Tooooooooo cute!!

Karla said...

That was one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. I like the look in Jacob's eyes when Eden is coming's like "uh oh"

Mama Lou said...

Precious pics, but your captions crack me up! Too, too cute!

Bebe said...

OMG!!!! I have to go readjust my makeup this morning! We are literally cracking up at all of this! Too precious!!!